Test: The Power of Experian’s Bureau
How a greater depth of data can enhance your portfolio
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Accurate data powers effective lending
Experian’s Commercial Credit Bureau is a market-leading source of information on British businesses and their financial health. Using data compiled from our bureau, this paper explores UK business’s ability to pay back, and steps lenders can take to reduce their own exposure.
The Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) triggered unprecedented borrowing volumes among UK businesses in mid-2020. Although government-backed guarantees are in place; where BBLS loans go bad, lenders face reputational, administration and refinancing costs.
Download the whitepaper nowRecovery
How well UK businesses have bounced back
Their ability to pay back their loan
How lenders can mitigate the impact against themselves
The Power of Experian’s Bureau
How a greater depth of data can enhance your portfolio
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut molestie libero imperdiet, accumsan velit ut, egestas tellus. Curabitur molestie convallis enim nec scelerisque. Suspendisse viverra augue a ornare cursus. Nam consequat dolor at erat tristique sagittis. Morbi nec fringilla ex. In maximus nunc eu arcu rutrum, eu elementum enim scelerisque. Aenean bibendum, lorem sed venenatis mollis, nulla purus congue libero, quis euismod nunc urna interdum sem. Quisque semper risus vitae quam commodo vestibulum. Maecenas facilisis elementum ex, eget mattis justo sagittis mollis. Ut quis massa sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Donec id magna imperdiet, ornare tellus vel, ultricies mi. Nam finibus aliquet porttitor. Suspendisse at eros nunc. Nullam auctor placerat sem, sed tincidunt eros porta vitae. Phasellus id libero at odio dictum tincidunt. Morbi et purus et magna porttitor congue. Nunc vestibulum nisi et ex venenatis pulvinar. Donec a nisl sit amet orci pretium vehicula.

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Want to read more?
"The Bounce Back Loan Scheme: a thriving SME economy or an artificial one?"
Unpack how well UK businesses have bounced back, and the impact the hidden costs on lenders as a result.
