Jun 2020 | Risk Analytics
By Posted by Experian

UK businesses have been hit hard by the impact of Covid-19

We also know from our own economic analysis, that more than half of small businesses hold only enough cash to survive for a few months. Some sectors have been impacted more than others, for example accommodation and food services, recreation and non-essential retail. At the same time, the regions that rely most on those sectors are particularly vulnerable.

The unprecedented volatility translates to a significant increase in risk for lenders – in terms of managing both existing portfolios and new credit applications. The key is understanding how the heightened risk will manifest itself – and how it can be mitigated.

Explored in this paper:

      • Spot signs of stress in real-time
      • Understand your concentration risk
      • Adapt business models for survival funding
      • Understand credit risk now and in the future
      • Track stress

Read our paper 'Changing risk profiles across your portfolio'

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