Feb 2021 | Test Child Category

Giving you deeper, more granular insight

Understanding more about consumers’ attitudes and behaviours has always been critical to effective marketing. But never more so than today, as we get to grips with the societal, behavioural and economic impacts of Covid-19. Now, more than ever, we need the very latest insight to shed light on the lives of a population in flux, and to guide how we target and communicate with audiences.

We’ve updated our Mosaic classification tool to include even more data, which, using the latest analytical methods, can give you even deeper, more granular insight. When we used this enhanced data set to map the UK population to the segments in Mosaic 7, we revealed some interesting trends. Some of these trends were evident prior to the pandemic – like the changing profile of the first time buyer. But many of them have been exacerbated or accelerated by the measures taken by the UK government to control the spread of the virus and mitigate its economic impact. For example, the long-term implications of working from home and changes in online behaviour.

This report will explore in detail:

  • The key demographic groups in the UK that have been affected by the pandemic in the short term and the potential implications longer term
  • Insights related to the UK’s media and tech usage
  • What the latest demographic trends can mean for marketers targeting consumers in a post- covid world

Read our paper 'Insight for today’s hyper-connected, post-pandemic world'.

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