Jan 2015 | Fraud Prevention

Providing customers with a slick and easy to use experience must be balanced with the need to prevent their details from being unknowingly manipulated by sophisticated fraudsters.

There are many different ways to manage the risk of fraud but some can lead to false positives that turn away genuine customers and others are resource intensive and costly to manage. However, fraud prevention remains necessary to protect your business and your customers from the effects of identity theft.

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Device intelligence is at the forefront of providing robust, flexible fraud management, crucially in a way which is designed to be invisible to genuine customers and not disrupt their digital journey.

The digital journey is made safer and more customer friendly in four key ways:

  • For the majority of customers the checks happen completely behind the scenes, causing them no disruption.
  • False positives are minimal so genuine customers are not inconvenienced
  • Cases for referral are managed and presented for investigation in the way that fits with your business
  • By protecting how your customer links to you, whether by PC, mobile phone or tablet

Our coffee break webinar “Offering your customers a better, safer digital journey is on February 5th. Experts from Experian and 41st Parameter will be discussing innovative ways in which to tackle fraud without disrupting the customer journey.

Click here for more information and to register for the webinar.