Jan 2019 | Data Quality

In this webinar, we provide practical guidance to help you ensure your organisation’s personal data can thrive under the GDPR.

As a data controller, you’re accountable for taking steps to ensure personal data is accurate and up to date as outlined in Article 5 of the GDPR.

The ICO requires you to show you have implemented measures to maintain accuracy and taken reasonable steps to erase or rectify any inaccurate personal data. Failure to do so could not only result in penalties or fines, but also lost consumer trust and confidence.

In the webinar we explore:

  • The importance of data quality in GDPR preparation
  • Which elements are most important when seeking to understand the quality of the personal data you hold and use
  • The Experian Data Integrity Assessment Service which provides a data quality assessment tailored to your organisation and its GDPR programme