Jul 2020 | Data Quality

CRM systems are the lifeblood of many organisations, capturing and storing critical contact data such as addresses, email address and phone numbers which are essential, now more than ever, for effective communication with customers and prospects.  

However, according to Experian’s annual Global Data Management Report, currently only 51% of organisations believe that their CRM data is clean and 95% of organisations see negative impacts from poor data quality. Without accurate, complete and valid contact details, many organisations fall short in their ability to provide the service that their customers expect and fail to nurture the valuable leads entering the business. 

Watch this webinar, led by Experian’s Data Quality Product and Consultancy experts, to: 

  • Identify where and how poor contact data enters and remains in CRM systems   
  • Why inaccurate and complete addresses, email addresses and phone numbers in your CRM negatively impact your business and customers 
  • Find out how Experian’s suite of data quality solutions can protect your integrity of your data, from validating at the point of data entry to profiling and cleansing your existing records