Sep 2020 | Data Quality

Accurate CRM customer data

Accurate CRM customer data is critical for every marketing, sales and operations team and is essential to building strong relationships with your customers. However, Experian’s Global Data Management Research shows that only 51% of organisations believe that their CRM customer data can be trusted and a recent study by Salesforce found that 20% of CRM records are useless.

Maintaining the quality of your CRM customer data is challenging as there are multiple points of data entry across the organisation and customer data decays continuously. Without a strategy to ensure high quality customer data, many organisations are unable to deliver the experience that their customers expect. Although managing data quality can seem unattainable, there are simple tools and steps you can take to address issues at source.

Watch this webinar to find out all the benefits that accurate data may bring to your business.

Our speakers:

  • Natalie Jones – Senior Product Marketing Manager
  • Sanaz Zarkesh – CRM Integration Product Manager
  • David Gyves – Senior Data Quality Pre-Sales Consultant

In this webinar, our panel of Experian’s Data Quality Product and Consultancy experts will discuss:

  • Gain insights from Experian’s 2020 Data Management Report into the common CRM customer data quality challenges facing organisations
  • Identify where and how poor contact data enters and remains in your CRM system
  • Learn step by step how to improve your CRM customer data quality
  • Find out how Experian’s data quality solutions can help

Thank you for watching.