Dec 2018 | Data Quality

Embracing the data challenge in a digitalised world

Our latest research explores how big data is fuelling business strategy and creating business opportunities. This, however, is set against a climate that’s more challenging than ever, where the explosion of data and new regulation means that the organisations managing it have extra responsibility. This is especially true given that much of this growing avalanche of information is created by individuals, it’s their data, but we are responsible for keeping it safe and using it appropriately.

Our report gives a fascinating insight into how well organisations are responding to this ever-changing and complex data landscape, particularly those impacted by impending regulation.

Our research found:

  • 83% of businesses see data as an integral part of forming a business strategy
  • 72% believe that the GDPR presents an opportunity for them to refine their data management strategy
  • 73% believe that it is often difficult to predict when and where the next data challenge will arise

Discover how the latest global trends are affecting your business today.

Read our paper 'Embracing the data challenge in a digitalised world'

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