May 2019 | Data Quality
By Posted by Experian

What we found in this year’s research

Don’t have time to watch the whole webinar? Use our timestamps below to jump to the section most relevant to you:
– Business challenges – research findings: 00:30
– Data challenges – research findings: 04:30
– Business priorities – research findings: 09:18
– How does being data-driven give competitive advantage? – research findings: 12:25
– Decentralisation of data control – research findings: 14:55
– The battle with infobesity: 20:45
– The single customer view conundrum – research findings: 21:53
– Moving towards a universal customer view: 26:03
– The groundwork – 4 steps: 27:14
– Step 1: Investigate: 27:55
– Step 2: Assess: 29:24
– Step 3: Improve: 30:37
– Step 4: Control: 32:19
– Summary: 36:12
– Other events and contact us: 37:08