Jun 2016 | Data Quality

A wealth of experience in one room

Data Practioners face unique and shared challenges, when we got them together, this is what they said…

We held our second user group event at the Hoxton Hotel in Holborn.

Hosted by our Head of Product Strategy, Derek Munro, we talked about some of the most interesting developments surrounding Experian Pandora in the past six months, as well as touching upon how the software can be used to meet regulatory requirements such as:

The EU General Data Protection Regulation:

We’ve already explained how the management of personal data will change with EU GDPR, but did you know that Experian Pandora can be used to help you be compliant with the new regulation when it comes into force on May 28th 2018. Listed below are some of the findings from our group discussions with the user group:

  • The new regulation is not a list of rules, but of desired outcomes
  • Creating a Single Customer View will be a key component of GDPR compliance
  • Getting your data quality right now, the first time, will mean you don’t have to fix it in future
  • Technology + People = Business Agility + Complexity – pros and cons
  • A lot of users of Data Quality technology may already be the Data Protection Officers of the future – protecting a fundamental human right
  • There has never been a better time to run the data quality assessment…

We look forward to sharing more about GDPR in the future, as it’s certainly getting higher up the management agenda. One of our users asked our Principle Consultant, Janani Dumbleton, the following question:

The Question:

“With regards to the upcoming GDPR’s changes to the definition of personal data, what does that mean for those of us in B2B?”

The Answer:

In most cases, B2B data will still be considered personal data and therefore be effected by EU GDPR’s change of definitions. However, if your use of the data is justified and accurate to the best of your knowledge, you have nothing to worry about. This is where the integration of Experian’s validation and reference data capabilities with Experian Pandora can provide extra value.

The Context:

It might seem at first that B2B organisations are not holding customer – and therefore “personal” data – but this is a misconception. Business information can and often will still be able to be used as a personal identifier even when the lines are blurred: a business email often has first and last name in.

Collaboration is vital to those working in data quality

With the right technology, you can transform inexperienced junior business analysts into data quality powerhouses, simply by enabling them to collaborate openly in a visible but secure environment.

Coupled with the right vendor support, and the ability to connect with and talk to other users of the technology, we’re able to:

  • Troubleshoot and fix problems before ever contacting support
  • Mentor and educate colleagues and clients alike
  • Network with a like-minded community of individuals
  • Be at the forefront of industry and therefore the first to know about developments – staying ahead of the curve

Another constructive question from the group related to how you share the importance of data quality beyond your data team:

The Question:

“How can I have more success when trying to sell the importance of data quality to key business stakeholders?”

The Answer:

Articulating the specifics may not be helpful. A holistic overview of the increasing importance of data quality, and where possible, assigning monetary or risk-based values to it will be much more digestible for senior stakeholders.

Also, with the right technology, it isn’t as hard as it sounds.

Ease = buy-in.

The Context:

We all know that creating a business-focussed data quality assessment can be difficult if you focus on specific parts. However, by “telling the whole data story” in a way that non-technical people will find easier to understand, you can more easily secure the buy-in you need to be successful.

People often suggest selling a solution to an existing problem, but in the case of GDPR the problem does not exist yet. Therefore, selling the consequence of non-compliance may be just as important.

If you want any more information about the upcoming regulations and how they will affect you, you can download our latest webinar including Bloor Research Director Philip Howard here.

You may also be interested in getting better insight into the data you own, being able to profile your data and make discoveries leading to better strategic clarity of your assets.