Mar 2014 | Data Insights

Insights from Gartner

Organisations are keen to be well-organised and resourceful, which is why business efficiency remains a top priority. How do you achieve that? Backed up by data, you develop an operational system that allows you to successfully administer all your responsibilities on a daily basis and be reactive to whatever changes this fast-paced world throws at you. This is where business process management (BPM) comes to the fore. A streamlined, systematic and agile solution, it delivers on originality, is reliable and, as cited above, ushers in a flexible way of working that is vital in the 21st century.

Gartner has compiled 15 skills, which it believes is ‘critical’ to the success of any BPM scheme, which can in fact be overlooked. There is a tendency to concentrate on, for example, areas like process modelling, which while important, are not the total package. These 15 skills can be arranged into three types of ‘critical competency’, the information technology and research advisory firm, explains. This includes technical, operational and transformational. Under technical, they are solution architecture and design; BPM technology product knowledge, agile and model driven application development; business process optimisation and simulation; and user experience design.

For operational, the skills are listed as such: business process discovery; business process modelling, analysis and design; business process governance and process policy management; process performance management; and constructing a BPM methodology toolbox.

Finally, in the transformational group, you have building the BPM business case and vision; project management; knowledge of organisational structure and culture; communication; and organisational change techniques. “Business process directors and senior IT managers need to conduct a BPM skills gap assessment within their organisations to determine what skills they lack,” said Gartner research analyst Samantha Searle. “This means looking beyond IT or the business area where BPM is focused, since there might be suitable skills elsewhere in the business. Once this is done, they should develop an action plan to train their BPM team in the required skills.”